The Latin American Region
Some critics said that
the United
States government was too busy elsewhere during the years from 2001 to 2005
to work with our neighbors in Latin America,
but the record and the results clearly show otherwise.� By working together with individual countries
and with the international financial institutions, and by supporting those
leaders who were following good policies, we accomplished a lot; in fact, by
2004 the economic performance in Latin America improved so much that it was the
best economic growth year in a quarter century.�
And on a personal note, I know that our Latin America office in the Treasury was always one of
the very busiest offices during the whole period that I served at Treasury. The
large number of speeches in this chapter and the speeches on individual Latin
American countries in other chapters are themselves an indication of our strong
focus on the region.
The economic situation
in Latin America was not good at the start of the Bush
administration in 2001 and 2002.� I
recall Mexican Finance Minister Gil Diaz visiting my office in early 2001 with
many charts showing the sharp declines in manufacturing production (a direct
result of the recession in the United States). Argentina was in crisis throughout 2001 and after the
default on the debt the situation got worse in 2002 before it got better.� Brazil was nearing crisis.� In general growth in the region was low.�
But by summer 2003 I
saw signs of improvement, which I reported in a speech in New York (Item 4), admittedly going out on a limb
with my relative optimism. But that optimism proved basically correct, and the
rest of the speeches in this chapter portray a gradually improving economic
situation in the region over the next three years, culminating in item 11 which
traces out the improvements from economic crisis and low growth in 2001 to
economic stability and strong growth in 2004. Items 12 and 13 are my speeches
and press statements at the IDB meetings in Japan� .
1.�� An
Economic Growth Agenda, Inter-American Development Bank Annual
Meetings, Fortaleza, Brazil,
March 11, 2002
2.�� Productivity
Growth in the Americas, Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, Forataleza, Brazil,
March 12, 2002
3.�� U.S.
Economic Policy Toward Latin America and the Role of International Financial
Institutions, Subcommittee on International Trade and Finance of
the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, October 16, 2002
4.�� The
Bush Administration's Approach to Latin America: Prospects and Policies,
Council of the Americas,
New York City, June 5, 2003
5.�� Supporting
Economic Growth in Latin America, Fitch Rating's Latin
America Conference, New York City,
April 27, 2004
6.�� Remarks
at Independence Day Celebration, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington,
D.C., June 29, 2004
7.�� The
Latin American Expansion - Benefits for the United States, Biltmore
Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida, August 23, 2004
8.�� Statement
by Head of U.S. Delegation to Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance
Ministers Meeting, Santiago, Chile,
September 2, 2004
9.�� The
Latin American Economic Recovery, Remarks at the Group of 50
Conference, Washington, DC,
October 15, 2004
10. Economic
Policies in the Western Hemisphere: Recent Accomplishments and Future
Remarks at a Luncheon for the Ambassadors of the Latin American Group,
Brazilian Embassy, Washington, D.C., January 25, 2005
11. Latin
America: From Crisis to Growth, Remarks at the Annual Meetings of the Inter-American� Development Bank, Okinawa, Japan, April 9, 2005
12. Press
Statement at the Annual Meetings of the Inter-American Development Bank Okinawa, Japan, April
10, 2005
13. Economic
Growth and Friendship, Governor�s Address at the Annual Meeting of the Inter-American
Development Bank, Okinawa, Japan April 10, 2005