The Sub-Saharan African Region


All these speeches emphasize the importance of economic growth, the private sector, and financial marketsfor the reduction in poverty in Africa. These are only a few examples of many such speeches I gave in Africa. Most were not written down, and the one I remember most was not written down.It was given to a group of government official and representatives of NGOS at the U.S. Ambassador�s residence on the banks of the Niger River in Niamey. It required consecutive translation from English to French and this created a nice rhythm and cadence to the talk, but the content was similar to Item 1 given in Mauritius.


I believe I noticed a change in the attitude of many African leaders during these years, with a much greater consensus forming that entrepreneurship and economic growth is essential to improve the lives of their people. Indeed, policies are improving, and economic growth did pick up a lot in 2003 and 2004, but it is still too low and needs to increase further.


1. Productivity Growth: The Key to Poverty Reduction in Africa, African Growth and Opportunity Forum, Mauritius, January 16, 2003

2. Economic Policies and Investment Risk in Africa, U.S.-Africa Business Summit, Washington, D.C., June 26, 2003

3. The U.S. -- African Mortgage Market Initiative, Kampala, Uganda, May 25, 2004

4.Developing the Nigerian Market through the U.S.-Africa Mortgage Market Initiative Roundtable, Nigeria, October 5, 2004