Financial Support

Fellowship Support

law fountain 1 Fellowship support is merit based and is provided to students in order that they might pursue their academics without having to earn an income. Most first year students receive department fellowships unless they have their own source of funding outside of the university. Advanced year students going on the job market are encouraged to apply for SIEPR dissertation fellowships.

Fellowship support provides a lump sum stipend payment at the start of the quarter and tuition support. Students on a university fellowship also receive a health insurance subsidy.

Research Assistantships

Research Policy Handbook 

Students on Research Assistantships are employed by the professor who hired them. In the second year RA appointments are arranged. Beyond the second year, students must contact faculty directly to arrange for Research Assistantships. RA support provides salary and tuition allowance for ten units in Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters. In Summer, tuition allowance for an RA is usually for three units. RA positions receive a payroll check twice monthly and also receive a health insurance subsidy. RAs work an average of 20 hours per week during the quarter in which they are employed.

Teaching Assistantships

2011-12 TA Handbook

TA support provides salary and tuition allowance for ten units in Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters. In Summer, tuition allowance for a TA covers three units. TAs are hired by the department and receive a payroll check twice a month, in addition to a health insurance subsidy. TAs work an average of 20 hours per week during the quarter in which they are employed.

If you are an international student working as a TA for the first time, you must obtain language clearance from the Linguistics Department by taking the oral English proficiency test given by the English for Foreign Student (EFS) staff prior to starting the TA position.

Payroll Dates for RAs and TAs

Quarter Span            First Check         Last Check


Oct 1 - Dec 31

Oct 22

Jan 7


Jan 1 - Mar 31

Jan 22

Apr 7


Apr 1 - Jun 30

Apr 22

Jul 7


Jul 1 - Sep 30

Jul 22

Oct 7

Limit on Hours for U.S. Students -

During Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters, students on 50 percent time assistantships may not be employed more that an additional eight hours per week inside Stanford and/or outside of Stanford; those eight hours cannot be in other assistantship positions.

Limit on Hours for International Students -

Students on F-1 and J-1 visas are limited to a total of 20 hours of employment on campus per week, including their assistantship appointment(s) during any quareter in which they are fully enrolled. For further information regarding regulations for students with F-1 and J-1 visas, contact Bechtel International Center,

Additional Funding Sources