- Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Current Major
- Honors Program
- Honor Theses 2011
- Honor Theses 2010
- Honor Theses 2009
- Honor Theses 2008
- Honor Theses 2007
- Honor Theses 2006
- Honor Theses 2005
- Honor Theses 2004
- Honor Theses 2003
- Honor Theses 2002
- Honors Prize and Award Winners, 2002 - 2011
- Prospective Major
- Summer Undergraduate Research Assistant Program
- IEC Introductory Economics Center
- FAQ - Undergraduate
- Economics Major Requirements
- Economics Minor Requirements
- Economics Common Syllabus
- Courses
- Seminars
- Resources
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
- Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE)
- Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Stanford Law School
Useful Stanford Economics Links
Online Journals and Indexes (Stanford Only)
- Elsevier Science Journals - full-text (PDF) of current issues (approximately the last 9 months)
- JSTOR -- Online Journals (AER, JPE, EMA, QJE and others from beginning to 1994 or so)
- Econ Lit through Stanford Libraries Online access to EconLit
- Social Science Citation Index
- UMI's ProQuest Direct Online Journals (AER, EMA, Wall Street Journal -- 1996 to present!)
- Lexis-Nexis
General Economics Resources
- Economics Resources at Stanford
- Resources for Economists -- Bill Goffe
- EconStats -- Economic and Financial Data
- Econ Depts
- American Economic Association
- Political Economics in Progress (PEPR)
- About.com: Economics
- NBER (Conferences) (Forms)
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Latest Federal Government Statistics
- U.S. Government Printing Office
Green/Jackson Library Information
- Tony Angiletta (5-2520) is the Economics Bibliographer at Green Library. He is an excellent resource for both research and teaching -- feel free to contact him about any library-related issues (books, journals, data, web, etc).
- Paul Reist (5-2003) is the Jackson Library Economics Department Liason. He is especially useful in setting up access to Jackson's resources for undergraduate research assignments.