Honors Theses 2008

Sean M. Arenson Does Free Trade Make You Fat?: The Role or Agricultural Policy and Food Price in Explaining Cross-Country Variation in Obesity Prevalence (pdf) May 2008
Daniel Blocksom Moderators of the Name-Order Effect: The 2004 Presidential Election in Ohio (pdf) March 2008
Christina Elizabeth Cacioppo Grandmothers and Granddaughters Revisited: Declines in Health and Within-Household Labor Shares in Kagera, Tanzania (pdf) June 2008
Lee L. Chang Morbidity, Mortality, and Fertility in Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Global Malaria (pdf) May 2008
Kathleen F. Easterbrook Flat Taxes and Labor Supply in Central and Eastern Europe (pdf) May 2008
Samvit Prabhat Kanoria An Analysis of Airline Cost Curves for US Carriers: Determining Minimum Efficient Scale (pdf) December 2007
Tim Kautz Stigma, Fear and Hope: A Model of HIV Testing in Sub-Saharan Africa (pdf) May 2008
Ruth Levine Universal Old-Age Benefits in a Multi-Pillar System: Evaluating Incentive Effects in Chile (pdf) May 2008
Gina L Pak Demand for the Game: The Effect of Competitive Balance and Dynasty Persistence on Attendance in the National Football League (pdf) June 2008
Potay Parapiboon The Aftermath of Currency Crises: Exchange Rates, Money Growth, Inflation and Interest Rates in Asia and Latin America (pdf) May 2008
Jacob Pashelinsky Has liquefied natural gas infrastructure development brought about integration between the major global markets for natural gas? (pdf) March 2008
Leonid Pekelis A Numerical Analysis of Coordinating Monetary Policy Under New Keynesian Macroeconomics: Can It Be Accomplished, How Big Are the Effects, and Why (pdf) May 2008
Ashish Shenoy The Integration of the Indian Wheat Sector into the Global Market (pdf) May 2008
Saranwut Takapong The “Common Lender Effect”: Are Banking Centers Crisis Carriers? (pdf) May 2008
Irina Talis Do Stronger Intellectual Property Rights Encourage Technology Transfer? Evidence from Foreign Patenting in the United States (pdf) May 2008
Michael Tamkin Labor Supply Decisions of the Senior Population: Effect of Changes to the Social Security Earnings Test (pdf) May 2008
Shin Eik Tan Exchange Rate Targeting as a Monetary Policy Alternative to Interest Rate Targeting (pdf) May 2008
Jessica Vernon Quantitative Restrictions and Quality Upgrading: The Case of the Multi-Fibre Agreement (pdf) May 2008
Elizabeth Walls Sexual Harassment Policy and Incentives to Social Interaction (pdf) May 2008
Emily Warren What Does Migration Mean for Children Left Behind? Educational Evidence from Guatemla (pdf) 2008
John Woolley Microfinance Performance and Domestic GDP Growth: Testing the Resiliency of Microfinance Institutions to Economic Change (pdf) May 2008
Zhihao Zhang Testing the House Money & Break Even Effects on Blackjack Players in Las Vegas (pdf) May 2008