Honors Theses 2004

Peter Blaustein Speculator Hesitation in Liquidity Shocks (pdf) May 2004
Stewart A. Campbell Price Effects Surrounding Composition Changes of the S&P 500: Aggregate Effects since 1999 (pdf) March 2004
Johnny P. Chen Non-Performing Loan Securitization in the People's Republic of China (pdf) May 2004
Larissa N. F. Cheong Medical Savings Accounts in Singapore: The Impact of Medisave and Income on Health Care Expenditure (pdf) May 2004
Ann Cho An Empirical Study of the Effects of Downloads on CD Album Sales (Abstract Only) (pdf) June 2004
Justin Diener Restricting City Growth in California: Are Wealthy, Homogeneous Cities More Likely to Adopt Urban Growth Boundaries? (pdf) May 2004
Dilyana D. Dimova The Benefits of Privatizing Banks to Strategic Foreign Investors: A Survey of Central and Eastern Europe (pdf)
Ricardo Fernholz China, Japan, and Maintaining an International Competitive Balance under a Fixed Exchange Rate (pdf) May 2004
Fernando Galeana Explaining the Demand for Land Titling in Mexico: Credit and Urbanization in the Ejido Sector (pdf)
Victoria Garcia-Rubiales Unemployment in Spain: An Analysis of Labor Mobility and Young Adult Unemployment (pdf)
Doug Geyser Believe the Hype: The Salience of National Rankings for College Sports Betting Markets and Implications for Market Efficiency (pdf) May 2004
William Walker Hanlon An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Trade Policies: The Softwood Lumber Example (pdf) April 2004
Nicole Hildebrandt The Effects of Migration on Child Health in Mexico (pdf) May 2004
Nathaniel Green Hilger Market Liberalization, Labor Unions and Real Wages in Mexico, 1984-1998 (pdf) May 2004
Yvonne Hung China's One-Child Policy: Regional Regulation Variation & the Sex-Ratio at Birth (pdf) May 2004
Kamilah Jackson Adherence to Treatment and Health Outcomes: A possible explanation for the SES Health Gradient (pdf) May 2004
Alexander Kendall Stochastic Bundling with and without a Secondary Market (pdf) May 2004
Vandita Khullar The Battle of the Stock Exchanges: Are Large Companies Worth More if They List on the NYSE? (pdf) May 2004
Elizabeth Madjlessi Factors Affecting State Budgetary Imbalances (pdf) June 2004
Ariel McGinnis The Effect of Earthquake Risk on the San Francisco Bay Area Housing Market: How Has it Changed Since the Loma Prieta and Northridge Earthquakes? (pdf) May 2004
Jordan A. Miller "Why Is Everyone Taking the LSAT?" A Model of the Demand for Law School (pdf) May 2004
Brian Paulson Replacing Defined Benefit Pensions: An Analysis of the Trend Towward Defined Contribution and Cash Balance Plans (pdf) May 2004
Adam Michael Rapp Explaining the Bankruptcy ‘Crisis' in English Football Ownership Style and the Wage-Performance Relationship 1996-2003 (pdf) May 2004
Faisal N. Rashid Juvenile Crime and Punishment: Assessing the Relationship between Violent Crime Rates and Punishment, 1982-1992 (pdf) May 2004
Florian Reichling Effects of Reputation Mechanisms on Fraud Prevention in eBay Auctions (pdf) May 2004
Rizwan Sabar Switching Dynamics: An Analysis of Changes in Methods of Service Provision at the Local Government Level, 1982-2002 (pdf) June 2004
Marika Semerdzhian The Effects of Expensing Employee Stock Options and A New Approach to the Valuation Problem (pdf) May 2004
Rebecca Marie Tabb Intergenerational Labor Supply (pdf) June 2004
Julia Nicole Thornton International Debt Sustainability Reconciling Debt Intolerance with Original Sin (pdf) May 2004
George Keen Fai Tong The Political Economy of Shock Therapy Reform (pdf) May 2004
Jessica Williams The Effects of Host Country Governance on Long Term Investment by Foreign Owned Establishments (pdf) May 2004
Alexandra Yestrumskas Should I choose the harder path? Gender differences in an experiment on task choice (pdf) May 2004