Honors Theses 2006

Elizabeth Almasi The Relationship between Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising and Prescription Rates (pdf) May 2006
Ben Backes A Monetary Analysis of Argentina's Inflationary Recovery: Comparisons with Large Devaluations in Asia (pdf) May 2006
Vineet Bhagwat Is The San Francisco Housing Market Efficient? (pdf) May 2006
David Burk Differentials in the Academic Achievement of Children of Immigrants (pdf) May 2006
Robert Cahill The Economics of Plug-In Hybrids May 2006
Sarah Carroll Divorce Norms, Intrahousehold Bargaining, and Household Outcomes in Rural Ethiopia (pdf) May 2006
Rushabh Doshi Should Inverted Yield Curves and the Conundrum: A Dynamic Model of the Term Structure of Interest Rates (pdf) May 2006
Jeff Enquist Change in Risk of Mutual Fund Managers Portfolios Caused by Behavioral Biases from Previous Performances (pdf)  
Brent Faville Does More Money Mean Better Test Scores? Bridging the Gap Between Cost Function Adequacy Estimations and EducationalProduction Functions (pdf) May 2006
Scott Federici Leveraged Buyouts and Corporate Take-Over in Central and Eastern Europe  
Adam Isen First Tier Health Care at Stanford (pdf) May 2006
Rui Xiong Kee Exchange Rates and Wages for Balancing International Competitiveness (pdf) May 2006
Aron Kirschner Death of a Congressman: Estimating the Economic Value of Campaign Contributions (pdf) May 2006
Rebecca Liao Strategic Interaction, Completmentary Technology, and Innovation in the Computer Industry (pdf) May 2006
Eric Mayefsky Information Revelation Strategies in the Drainage Tract Model: An Experimental Approach (pdf) June 2006
Casey McCracken Whether State Fiscal Policy Affects State Economic Growth (pdf) June 2006
Nadia Nasser-Ghodsi What is the Effect of Educational Decentralization on Student Outcomes in Egypt? (pdf) May 2006
Han Nguyen A Process Model of Simple Economic Choice: Theory and Eye-Tracking Experiments (pdf)  
Christine Pal The Introduction of Antiretroviral Therapy and the Demand for Drug Use (pdf) December 2005
David Post Examining Merger and Acquisition Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Do High Purchase Prices Drive Low Returns (pdf) May 2006
Matt Stolzar Paying for Sleep: An Economic Analysis of Time Allocation and Productivity among College Students (pdf) May 2006
Ziv Tepman Do Food Stamp Recipients Anticipate Future Earnings?: A Test of the Permanent Income Hypothesis (pdf) June 2006