Honors Theses 2010

Andrew Beck Does Childhood Prefrontal Cortex Volume Vary with Socioeconomic Status? May 2010
Anna Bethune The Economic Lives of the Microfinanced Poor  May 2010 
William Bruno Random Acts of Representative Democracy in the Orissa Panchayati Raj  May 2010 
Lorra de la Paz An Analysis of the Timing of Fertility in Rural India  May 2010 
Riah Forbes The Effect of Skewed Sex Ratios on Marriage Markets in India  May 2010 
Paris Georgoudis  Estimation and Prediction of Financial Contagion through Trade  May 2010 
Lara Stiris Gluck Are Bad Times Good for the Internet? An Empirical Analysis of the Shift to Internet Advertising During Recessions  Dec 2009 
Sally Hudson  The Effects of Performance-Based Teacher Pay on Student Achievement  May 2010 
Timothy Addams Hyde  A Righteous Collusion: The Prisoner's Dilemma and the Civil Rights Act  May 2010 
Garner Kropp  Gender Bias Under Targeted Transfers: Food for Schooling in Bangladesh  May 2010 
Marina Kutyavina  The Effect of Price Control Threats on Pharmaceutical R&D Investments  Jun 2010 
Jessica A. Laird The Business Cycle's Secondary Effects on the Decision to Participate in the Food Stamps Program  May 2010 
Sidney Le Unemployment Makes You Sick, but High Unemployment Makes Us Healthy  May 2010 
Adriana S. Miu  The Effect of Parents' Locus of Control Belief and Education on Investment in Their Children's Health  May 2010 
Jireh Tan Exchange Rates and the Current Account Balance: A Case Study of the Yen  May 2010 
Claire Teter Gender Homophily across Types of Social Networks in Rural India  Jun 2010 
Thiti Tosborvorn  Exploring the Yen Carry Trade: Investor's Choice of Target Currencies  May 2010 
Peter Tu  Winner's Curse and the Competitive Effect: Measuring Competition in the Viatical Settlement Market  May 2010 
Tomas Vacek Empirical Explanation of Covered Interest Parity Deviations During Financial Crises  May 2010 
William Vijverberg MBA Job Placement and Stock Market Performance  May 2010