Honors Theses 2003

Adam B. Banks Explaining Participation Rates in the Food Stamp Program (pdf) May 2003
Erin A. Boyd Has Medi-Cal's Shift to Managed Care Changed Access to Primary Care for Children? (pdf) May 2003
Soravit Chairoj Exchange Rate Arrangements and the Hedging Problem in East Asia (pdf) May 2003
Eric Chaney Institutional Inertia: Political Legitimacy in Muslim Iberia (pdf) May 2003
Annie Chau On Aristotle and Marx: A Critique of Aristotelian Themes in Marxist Labor Theory (pdf) May 2003
Yasmine Coupal Macroeconomic Populism in Venezuela (pdf) May 2003
Benn Eifert Political Equality and the Performance of African Economies, 1972-1999 (pdf) May 2003
Ashwini Jayaratnam How Does The Black Market Exchange Premium Affect Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? (pdf) May 2003
Joe Kanada Inside and Outside the Boundaries of the European Union: The Impacts of a Monetary Union on Tourism in Spain (pdf) May 2003
Avinash Kaza Political Determinants of Indian Social Development (pdf) May 2003
Pueo Keffer Housing Preferences of Spanish-Speaking Migrants (pdf) April 2003
Elizabeth Levey Heterogeneous Responses to an Increase in Health Insurance Premiums (pdf) May 2003
Sumir Meghani A State-Level Examination of Rural Poverty in India from 1983-1994 (pdf) May 2003
Daniel P. Miller Housing Prices and the Elderly Population's Welfare (pdf) May 2003
Jack Moore Long-Term Consequences Of Youth Unemployment (pdf) May 2003
Sasank Mudunuri Information Transmission Under Competition (pdf) May 2003
Peter Grosvenor Munzig Enron and the Economics of Corporate Governance (pdf) June 2003
Charles Najda Low-Cost Carriers and Low Fares: Competition and Concentration in the U.S. Airline Industry (pdf) May 2003
Filipp Nisenzoun The Correlation of Executive Compensation and Shareholder Wealth Through Patent Data (pdf) June 2003 (revised for style, December 10, 2004)
Manish G. Patel Exploring the Research Behavior of University Professors Through Patent Data (pdf) May 2003
Scott Rasmussen Going long with baskets: A cost-benefit comparison of exchange traded funds and index mutual funds (pdf) December 2002
Wendy Sheu Driving Away Inequities: Uncovering the Distributional Effects of A Gasoline Tax (pdf) May 2003
Justin Svec The Effects of Issuing Subordinated Debt on the Banking Industry (pdf) May 2003
Tiffany Ya-De Wong Move Over, First Mover A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of First-Mover Advantage in the Internet Economy (pdf) June 2003
Erez Yoeli In December, Diamonds are Forever: Empirical evidence of counter-cyclical pricing in a durable goods market. (pdf) May 2003
Yinne Yu The Impact of Private International Cartels on Developing Countries (pdf) May 2003