Oct 15, 2012 :: Economics Congratulates Their Colleague Alvin Roth on Receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics!
At 3:30am Monday morning Al Roth received THE CALL from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm at his home at Stanford University. He was notified that he shared this year’s Nobel Prize with Lloyd Shapley from UCLA. They were awarded the Prize for their research in designing market institutions that match different parties within the market as efficiently as possible. Al's work has connected this branch of Game Theory to real-world applications such as the assignment of medical residents to hospitals, the design of school choice mechanisms is major cities, and the creation of paired donor kidney exchanges. The Department of Economics congratulates Al on being named a NOBEL Prize winner.
left to right: Al Roth, Dan Fragiadakis, Peter Troyan, Michael Ostrovsky, Fuhito Kojima
Oct 14, 2012 :: Paul Milgrom elected Vice-President of the American Economic Association.
Congratulations to Paul Milgrom for being elected to one of two Vice-President positions at the AEA. He will take office in 2013. At the same session Jonathan Levin was elected to the Executive Committee of the AEA.
Oct 11, 2012 :: International Atlantic Economic Society awards Economics graduate, Colin Gray, first place for his Honors Thesis.
Congratulations to Colin Gray, Stanford University class of 2012 with honors in economics, who took first prize in the 2012 Best Undergraduate Paper competition of the International Atlantic Economic Society for his paper entitled “Responding to Monetary Superpower: Investigating the Behavioral Spillovers of U.S. Monetary Policy.”, which was based on his Stanford honors thesis. Professor John Taylor, his thesis advisor, praised Colin's use of state of the art international models with forward looking agents to get very topical and practical empirical results. Look for Colin Gray's paper to be published in an upcoming issue of “Atlantic Economic Journal" In addition to this award, Colin was the recipient of the 2012 Stanford University Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research for his thesis.
Sep 08, 2012 :: Puzzling Over the Kibbutz Conundrum: In a world of capitalism, how do egalitarian principles survive?
Ran Abramitzky has a featured article in the online Stanford Magazine.
Jul 17, 2012 :: Economics congratulates Luke Stein, economics Ph.D. candidate, Natalie Cox and Otis Reid, economics majors, for being recognized by the University for academic excellence.
Luke C.D. Stein, a Ph.D. candidate in economics, was given the Gores Award for the university's highest teaching honor. Luke was recognized "for his effectiveness in teaching students from very different backgrounds - academic, cultural and linguistic," and "for his ability to anticipate areas of difficulty, make challenging concepts comprehensible and examples engaging."
Natalie Cox, BAH in Economics with a minor in mathematics, received the 2012 Deans' Award for Academic Accomplishment, which honors extraordinary undergraduate students for "exceptional, tangible" intellectual achievements.
Otis Reid, BA in Public Policy and Economics, was a 2012 recipient of the Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Award. This award recognizes distinctive contributions to undergraduate education or to the quality of student life.
Jun 08, 2012 :: John Pencavel to give the Keynote Speech at Johannes Gutenberg University at Mainz.
On June 13, 2013 John Pencavel will give the keynote address at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany.The speech is entitled: The changing structure of U.S. trade unions.
May 08, 2012 :: Professor John B. Taylor awarded the Hayek Prize by the Manhattan Institute in New York.
On May 31st John Taylor will deliver the Hayek Lecture. The Hayek Lecture is delivered by the recipient of the Hayek Prize, which honors the book published within the past two years that best reflects Hayek’s vision of economic and individual liberty. The Hayek Prize, with its $50,000 award, is among the world’s most generous book prizes. It was conceived and funded by Manhattan Institute trustee Tom Smith to recognize the influence of F.A. Hayek and to encourage other scholars to follow his example. Taylor was chosen by a selection committee of distinguished economists and journalists for his book: First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity.
Apr 16, 2012 :: Eighteenth Annual Arrow Lectures April 30th and May 1st 2012
Professor Kenneth Rogoff from Harvard University to speak at the Eighteenth Annual Arrow Lecture Series Monday and Tuesday April 30th and May 1, 2012.
Monday, April 30, 2012
“The Second Wave of the Second Great Contraction"
Koret-Taube Conference Room - SIEPR/Gunn Building;
366 Galvez Street.
Lecture: 5:15-6:30 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
“Debt Overhangs”
Conference Room 120 - SIEPR/Gunn Building
366 Galvez Street
Department Seminar:
12 Noon - 1:30 PM