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Archive for April, 2011

Student emergency medical technician group kicks off defribrillator awareness effort

April 29th, 2011

There are more than 60 automatic external defibrillators on campus. Would you know where to find one or how to use it if someone went into sudden cardiac arrest?

Stanford EMS (StEMS), a student-led group of emergency medical technicians overseen by Stanford’s Department of Public Safety, recently kicked off a campus-wide initiative to raise awareness among Stanford students, staff and faculty on how to respond to cardiac arrest emergencies using automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs.

AEDs provide simple-to-use voice and printed cardiac arrest rescue instructions that walk a user through attaching electrode pads to the patient. The device automatically analyzes the patient’s heart rhythm, then tells the user whether or not to deliver a shock.

The chances of survival for a patient in cardiac arrest decreases 5 to 7 percent every minute a shock is not administered. “It’s essential that bystanders call 9-1-1, provide CPR and use an AED as soon as possible,” Tiffany Shih, Class of 2011 and president of StEMS, said in a press release.

Recognizing the importance of rapid public access to AEDs, StEMS partnered with the University Fire Marshal’s Office to compile a list of all on-campus AEDs, then created a Google map pinpointing locations of all AED placements in campus buildings and pictures of the installed devices.

A video link is provided to demonstrate how to operate the specific AED. StEMS also is exploring ways to include the AED map as an application on mobile devices, such as iPhones. The group has created several public service announcements and hopes to eventually translate them into several languages.

“We hope that the videos will encourage bystanders to immediately start first-aid measures in the event of an emergency. Stanford students, staff and faculty should locate the AED closest to where they work, live or study and review their emergency procedures on a regular basis,” Shih said.

In addition to the 60 AEDs on campus, all emergency vehicles belonging to the Department of Public Safety are equipped with AEDs. Departments looking to acquire AEDs should contact the Fire Marshal’s Office for more information.

Calling all kids: Super Spikers volleyball clinic dates set

April 28th, 2011

Stanford women’s volleyball welcomes all kids K-8th grade to participate in the 2011 Super Spikers Volleyball Clinic Aug. 14 and 21.

Each clinic runs from 2 to 5 p.m. at a cost of $20 per clinic. The clinics will focus on ball control, spiking, passing, setting, serving, digging and blocking. The Aug. 14 clinic, which will be preceded by a Stanford women’s volleyball practice at 11 a.m., will be held at Burnham Pavilion. For an additional $10, kids who attend the Aug. 14 clinic can stick around and enjoy a BBQ with the team at 5 p.m.

The Aug. 21 clinic will be at Maples Pavilion. All participants will receive a free Super Spikers T-shirt.

Team Cardinal is the official kids fan club of the 2011 Stanford women’s volleyball team. For a $25 membership fee, kids get a 2011 Team Cardinal T-shirt and receive free admission to most Stanford regular season sports, including soccer, women’s volleyball, women’s basketball and baseball, as well as select football and men’s basketball games. Some games may not be eligible for free admission. Check the Team Cardinal events page for full listing of eligible events.

Super Spikers are eligible for a $10 discount if they register online for Team Cardinal. For additional information, contact Jason Mansfield at (408) 410-0329 or

For more Team Cardinal information, contact Erin Blecha at (650) 725-2876.

In pictures: John and Nancy Etchemendy host Easter Egg Roll

April 26th, 2011

On Saturday, April 23, PROVOST JOHN ETCHEMENDY and his wife, NANCY, hosted an Easter celebration for graduate students, their children and spouses. The event, held at Meyer-Buck House, the provost’s residence, featured games, face painting and an Easter egg competition. According to the Graduate Life Office, about 250 guests attended. University photographer LINDA CICERO was on hand to chronicle the scene. Click on the individual photos to view the captions.

Do you have a water tale?

April 25th, 2011

Have you ever walked across campus and wondered why the sprinklers were primarily watering the concrete sidewalk? Sustainable Stanford wants to know about these stories. Reporting them might even garner you a prize.

During the 2011 Water Wise campaign, which runs through May 13, Sustainable Stanford will recognize individuals who take the time to identify and report problems related to outdoor water conservation. There will be a raffle during each week of the campaign to recognize and reward Stanford community members who complete an online water action report. Weekly prize winners will be announced on the Water Wise website.

Series on global hip-hop wraps up with appearance by Public Enemy’s Chuck D

April 22nd, 2011

The Institute for Diversity in the Arts is hosting a spring series titled “Global Flows: The Globalization of Hip-Hop Art, Culture and Politics.” The series is offered as a 2-unit course in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity that includes film screenings, discussions and performances that examine and explore the international reach of hip-hop cultures and artists.

The series wraps up next week, with events including a multimedia program scheduled for Thursday, April 28, featuring CHUCK D of Public Enemy, who H. SAMY ALIM, associate professor in the Stanford School of Education, described as “lead emcee of perhaps the most critically acclaimed group in hip-hop history.”

The April 28 event, which will take place in Cubberley Auditorium from 7 to 9 p.m., is dubbed “Hip-Hop, Race and Citizenship in Japan, France and the United States.” In addition to Chuck D, others on the panel will include GAYE THERESA JOHNSON, an assistant professor in the Department of Black Studies at the University of California-Santa Barbara; DAWN-ELISSA FISCHER, assistant professor of Africana Studies at San Francisco State University; and SAMIR MEGHELLI, a doctoral candidate at Columbia University. According to Alim, the panelists will discuss “the complex relationships between hip-hop culture, race, citizenship and immigration in a variety of sociopolitical contexts.” The event also will feature DJ Emancipacion, who hails from Egypt, and a post-event reception.

The spring series will conclude on Friday, April 29, with several live performances and workshops throughout the day on White Plaza and at the CoHo featuring hip-hop artists from Mexico, Palestine, Syria and Ghana. See the attached flier for details.




President Obama lands on the Sand Hill Road fields

April 20th, 2011

Here’s something you don’t see every day. About 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, five large helicopters, including the president’s Marine One, landed on the heavily secured Sand Hill Road fields, where intramural games are played. The fields are located just off Sand Hill Road, between the hospital and Stanford West.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA was on his way to Facebook, which is located in the nearby Stanford Research Park, for a town hall meeting.

Prior to his arrival, hundreds of Stanford and Palo Alto police, U.S. Marshals and Secret Service personnel secured the area.

President Barack Obama landing at Stanford.

Photo by Kate Chesley

Alum Siddhartha Mukherjee wins the Pulitzer Prize

April 20th, 2011

While treating and researching cancer, Stanford alum SIDDHARTHA MUKHERJEE has also documented the disease and the battle against it in The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer.

The book landed this year’s Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction and was described by the judges as “an elegant inquiry, at once clinical and personal, into the long history of an insidious disease that, despite treatment breakthroughs, still bedevils medical science.”

Mukherjee, who received his bachelor’s degree in biological sciences in 1993, is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and a staff cancer physician at Columbia University Medical Center. He was a Rhodes Scholar and received degrees from Oxford and Harvard Medical School.

The Emperor of All Maladies blends medical, historical and biographical writing to trace cancer’s 5,000-year history and the victims, survivors and doctors who have confronted it. The book was a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist and was cited by the New York Times Book Review as one of the 10 best books in 2010. It is published by Scribner.

See the Pulitzer announcement.

Economist Jonathan Levin wins John Bates Clark Medal

April 19th, 2011
Jonathan Levin

Jonathan Levin

Economics Professor JONATHAN LEVIN has been awarded the John Bates Clark Medal for his work on industrial organization and microeconomic theory.

The American Economic Association – which grants the award to American economists younger than 40 who have made the most significant contributions to the field – cited Levin’s research on the economics of contracting, the organization and design of markets, and subprime lending and on empirical methods for studying imperfect competition.

“His research is methodologically broad, and often combines a sophisticated grasp of economic theory with careful empirical analysis,” the association said in an online announcement describing his work. “He has been a leader both in developing new methods in industrial organization and microeconomic theory, and in producing path-breaking applied research.”

Levin, 38, became an assistant professor here in 2000, was promoted to associate professor five years later and became a full professor in 2008. He is a senior fellow of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a fellow of the Econometric Society.

The announcement garnered widespread media attention, with stories appearing in such publications as the Wall Street Journal.

Medical School video featuring Shatz and Blau recognized

April 18th, 2011

Scope, the award-winning blog at the School of Medicine, announced recently that the seven-minute video “Pioneers in Science” was selected as an Official Honoree for the Rich Media: Non-Profit/Educational category in the 15th Annual Webby Awards.

In the video, CARLA SHATZ, the Sapp Family Provostial Professor and Professor of Neurobiology and Director of Bio-X, and and HELEN BLAU, the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation Professor and Director of the Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology, describe their lives as pioneering scientists. Both were among the first women to be hired on the tenure track in basic science when they came to Stanford in 1978, Scope says.

The Webby Awards, presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, recognizes excellence on the Internet, including websites, interactive advertising, online film and video and mobile and apps.

See the blog entry and watch the video.

Neukom accompanies World Series trophy to campus

April 15th, 2011

Stanford alum BILL NEUKOM, managing general partner and chief executive officer of the San Francisco Giants, brought the Giants’ World Series trophy to the Stanford Alumni Association yesterday, and University Photographer LINDA CICERO was there to document the event.

First in line to be photographed with the trophy was junior Sam Birer.

First in line to be photographed with the trophy was junior Sam Birer.


Stopping by on Thursday to visit the San Francisco Giants World Series Trophy are members of Stanford's softball team from left, catcher, Madison Hanten; pitcher Ashley Chinn; Coach Trisha Ford; shortstop Ashley Hansen and outfielder Corey Hanewich.

Posing with the San Francisco Giants' World Series trophy are members of Stanford's softball team: from left, catcher Madison Hanten, pitcher Ashley Chinn, Coach Trisha Ford, shortstop Ashley Hansen and outfielder Corey Hanewich.


Max Brucato, 8, got to pose with his dad, Frank, the trophy, and the diamond encrusted championship ring that Managing General Partner for the Giants Bill Neukom placed on his finger for the photo.

Max Brucato, 8, posed with his dad, Frank, the trophy and the diamond-encrusted championship ring that Giants Managing General Partner Bill Neukom placed on his finger for the photo.












Managing General Partner for the Giants Bill Neukom, second from right, was on hand to talk to fans. Karen Lee, Jody Nyberg and Dean Eyre, III, congratulated the owner on his success.

Giants Managing General Partner Bill Neukom, second from right, with Karen Lee, Jody Nyberg and Dean Eyre III from Undergraduate Advising and Research.



Striking a pose that Giants' pitcher Brian Wilson made famous are staff members Lee Dukes from the Bing Overseas Studies Program and Laura Thal of the Hume Writing Center.Striking a pose that Giants’ pitcher Brian Wilson made famous are staff members Laura Thal, left, of the Hume Writing Center and Lee Dukes of the Bing Overseas Studies Program.